I feel this album is really rushed, a few riffs were made here and there. A lick from years ago that wasn't used have been fitted into irrelevant songs. Forget the actual sound though, what throws me off is the vocals. Too filtered with effects and backing vocals that do not compliment each other. I don't know if Im missing the bigger picture? The lyrical content is ridiculous, I love a riddle but this makes no sense. Let's listen to the song Gore...
We have a less is more intro, something a bit different to the previous listening. And just as some nice full power chords come in, big drums too. Screaming, Chino lay off this shit. The whole album flow with the same production value's which is good but boring, this vocal channel is used the whole way through.
Let's cut this short because I do not rate this album in the slightest, I feel bummed out for Deftones fans for this pile of disappointment. Terrible album, but if you are a kid who lives with a religious family. You only have access to cassettes of hymns and country songs about God and values, and you feel the need to rebel and paint a massive 'A' anarchy logo on your back. Grab this, you'll enjoy it. You will probably walk through town with your hood up playing this loud out from your phone. Fucking goth.
Listen HERE... I wouldn't bother though, it's nothing original.