Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Koji Kondo - The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask Soundtrack

I can not stress to you how important Koji Kondo's music is to me. 
I've been making beats for around ten years now, and i'll go there and say it. Koji Kondo has influenced me majorly in all of his productions for games... BUT... We are focusing on this one here, Majora's Mask. 

Within this soundtrack, its obvious (if you're a keen Zelda player) there is a lot of melodies and chimes from Ocarina of Time, a previous Zelda game. 
But personally I think the existing sounds are mixed better, it may be that I have a high quality version of the soundtrack. This soundtrack was originally released in year 2000. It was later released in year 2015 for the 3DS, where Koji was just a supervisor, already doing the work for an earlier gen. And if you haven't guessed it by the name... Koji is Japanese. A bloke in his 50's born in the 60's.

There is a huge mix of emotion and styles in this soundtrack. You have some eerie fairground sounds with the Music Box House theme to an electro style for Ghost Attack. You have a lot of medieval sounds, with a heroic feel to it. Which is much appreciated during game play to be honest. One big criticism i have with this soundtrack is that the length of the melodies and themes aren't long enough for me to truly enjoy and take in. Scrap the ridiculous three second chimes and sounds and let me lose myself in this crazy contrasting soundtrack. Another thing i must add, is there are a lot of the same themes varied for different parts of the game... Majora Boss Battle has four of its own songs, but they fit well together in a row, which happens within the game itself. It is really hard to not enjoy hearing the same melody over and over when its changed up so much with new instruments giving layers and melodies in between the dominant melody.

Let me pick out a few must hears. Let's start with my favourite theme shall we? Astral Observatory. Pure brilliance, great depth and harmonising notes. Please bare in mind, this is all made on a midi keyboard. Deku Palace is another one that stands out, military styled drums. But admittedly, during gameplay this theme takes its toll. The Indigo-go's theme has its own sort of sleezey bluesy sound, kind of horrible really but i dig it, its different. Magic Emperor Majula Battle theme is a nice one, with a lot of effects of reverb and delay used, with the same melody you've been hearing through out the soundtrack. You've probably played the game, otherwise you wouldn't bother looking at this post. But, its only when you sit and listen to it as a piece you actually appreciate how far the music takes you through the game to enjoy the whole experience.     

Here is a link... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCH6R4bPcpc

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